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SlideCeilingNice( [SectorNum], [Start], [End], [Time], [NextScript])

Moves a ceiling up or down over a period of time and calls the NextScript number when finished.


SectorNum - The sector to move.

Start - Height to start from when moving. (set to same as end for instant movement)

End - Height to finish at.

Time - Time it takes to finish moving.

NextScript - Script number to run when finished. Set to -1 if none.


43:		//Start final room
		Block(two) ;
		Compare(endactive, ON) ;
		If(Equal, 102) ;
		SlideCeilingNice(495, 472, 176, 96, -1);
		SlideCeilingNice(496, 472, 176, 96, -1);
		Delay(112) ;
		Set(endactive, ON);
		Gosub(44) ;
		End() ;

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