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Revision as of 21:28, 17 October 2016 by PeeWeeRotA (Talk | contribs)

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GenerateMissile( [type], [x], [y], [z], [targetX], [targetY], [targetZ], [speed])


type - The type of missile object (it must be a missile from the Missiles list) that is generated.

X - X location on map. Found in status bar when using 2d view in Doom Builder 2.

Y - Y location on map. Found in status bar when using 2d view in Doom Builder 2.

Z - Z location on map. Found in starting sector's floor height plus a bit more.

targetX - Target X location on map. Found in status bar when using 2d view in Doom Builder 2.

targetY - Target Y location on map. Found in status bar when using 2d view in Doom Builder 2.

targetZ - Target Z location on map. Found in starting sector's floor height plus a bit more.

speed - Speed setting. Average speed is 30.


40:  // Shoot normal arrow diagonally across the room
   GenerateMissile(886, 10, 10, 32, 128, 128, 32, 30);

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